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Conductor's baton on sheet music

Our Mission: 


To provide children a Mandarin environment with the joy of learning music as well as to equip children with Mandarin language and musicianship skills.

To promote Chinese culture through singing in Mandarin. Special arrangements are made by our music director, Dr. Wang.

洛城西區中文兒童合唱團 (West LA Chinese Children's Chorus)是由作曲家與兒童音樂教育專家王靜宜音樂博士於2016年創辦。多年來致力於傳唱經典台灣歌曲,推廣中文歌謠,以及演唱世界名曲。團員透過音樂與各式的演出,不但接受中華文化的洗禮、領略中文歌曲之美,更愛上表演藝術。我們提供團員專業且多樣的展演平台,於正規音樂廳如Royce Hall與Colburn School表演,每年更於大洛杉磯地區有數場演出: 包括參與UCLA春晚、世界日報所主辦與中國節慶相關的表演活動;亦經常回饋社區,於當地小學、圖書館 、養老院等地義演。




Award-winning West LA Chinese Children's Chorus under the leadership of Dr. Ching-Yi Wang, has been providing children with choral music education and performance opportunities since 2016. Beginning in 2019, the Chorus also opened to adults who love to sing.


Since its establishment, the West LA Chinese Children's Chorus has accumulated about 30 performances across various venues in the Greater Los Angeles area, such as the UCLA Royce Hall, Colburn school, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium in Santa Monica, among others. They were also invited several times to perform in Chinese New Year Festivals and Mid-Autumn Festivals hosted by World Journal, the largest Chinese media corporation in the United States.


With Dr. Wang's long time efforts in actively promoting Chinese culture through music, the Chorus have partnered up with the LA city library and City of Santa Monica hosting Chinese Lunar New Year festivals in West LA. The Chorus members not only gain music and language skills, but experience culture and the transformative power of music. 

About the Director:

Dr. Ching-Yi Wang 擁有加州大學(UC Davis)音樂博士學位,台北藝術大學音樂碩士、學士,專攻作曲與鋼琴,獲獎無數,作品曾於歐、美、亞洲各地演出。擁有十餘年音樂教學經驗,曾任教於多所大專院校音樂系與中學音樂科班,亦為奧福兒童音樂教育認證教師。秉持著對音樂與中華文化的熱愛,創立洛城西區中文兒童合唱團。

Not only a composer receiving international awards, Dr. Wang is also a music director/educator and Mandarin instructor with more than 20 years teaching experience. Her works have been performed in the US, Europe, and Asia by various orchestras, ensembles, and soloists. With experience teaching at UC Davis, Tainan National University of the Arts, and Gifted & Talented Music Programs of secondary schools in Taiwan, she has conducted various choirs and ensembles. Dr. Wang holds a PhD in Music from UC Davis, and both MFA and BFA in Music from Taipei National University of the Arts. 




Monday-Saturday 1:00pm-6:00pm



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