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Music Studio
Mandarin Classroom
Teacher Wang
王老師從小醉心於中國文學與表演藝術, 自幼參加說故事, 朗讀, 演講, 作文, 查字典, 即席演講等各類國語文競賽, 並囊括所有獎項; 曾任朝會司儀, 代表畢業生致詞; 就學時期文章履刋登於各式報章讀物上。 自2013年起任教於洛杉磯西區中文學校(Westside Chinese School), 為Parent-and-Me(親子課), 一年級與四五年級教師, 曾擔任該校之副校長,目前擔任西區中文學校校長一職.
王老師曾獲南加州中文學校聯合會所頒發的資深優良教師之榮譽,指導學生數次獲得南加州地區中文詩詞朗誦第一名, 演講比賽優勝等佳續。她亦為中文音樂夏令營創辦人。
Dr. Wang is now serving as the Principal at the Chinese Language School of Southern California (aka Westside Chinese School). She has worked as the Vice Principal and a Mandarin teacher since 2013. She holds Chinese camps for children during spring/summer breaks.
Passionate about performing arts and Chinese literature since childhood, Dr. Wang has participated in numerous and various language-related competitions and won all awards, including Storytelling, Poetry/Literature Recitation, Chinese Essay Writing, Public Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, among others. During her school days, she delivered speeches on behalf of graduates and served as the emcee of ceremonies, Her articles were also published in newspapers and magazines.
Dr.Wang received the Best Teacher Award, awarded by Southern California Council of Chinese Schools.
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